Design and Creativity-based Teaching/Learning Cultures in Colleges of Further Education
ProjecT Aim
The aim of the proposed project is to analyse university teaching/learning culture with regard to its potential conduciveness to creativity, and to design exemplary creativity-conducive teaching/learning scenarios which will be tested in selected departmental chairs. „Teaching/learning“ culture is made up of 4 levels which, on one hand, structure empirical analysis and, on the other, systemize the development of a package of measures towards the advancement of creativity which reflects the empirical results. (cf. fig.):
On the personal level, the project aims towards the acquisition of those individual cognitive concepts contained under the phenomenon of „creativity“ which are available to teachers, the significance they have to a creativity-conducive teaching/learning culture, what they contribute to a teaching event or, if applicable, what they achieve, as well as those obstacles and barriers which they come up against. On an organisational level it is about the identification of those event types and organisational forms which are especially unsuitable for creativity-conducive learning. On a medial level, how didactic scenarios, technical support and different forms of knowledge-transfer can be orchestrated so that they are seamlessly integrated into the teaching/learning process from a socio-technical perspective will be clarified. On an institutional level, the project aims towards the initiation of an effective conversion to creativity-conducive teaching/learning culture through example.
To achieve the aims of this project, a total of 8 work packages are planned. Based upon an established empirical potential analysis on a personal and organisational level as well as a systematic compilation and evaluation of creativity-conducive event formats, teaching/learning scenarios will be designed with respect to professional/cultural and domain-specific aspects. In this context the potential of new media will be systematically examined and integrated into the design of these scenarios. After criteria-based analysis, measures will be introduced which will lead towards the establishment and use of such scenarios with HE institutions.
Field of Investigation / Participating Institutions
The project will be carried out at selected IT and Educational Science departments and faculties in the „Metropol Ruhr“ alliance of universities. In this way different contexts of expertise in different institutional contexts can be regarded and contrasted with each other.
This makes the identification of those invariants of a creativity-conducive teaching/learning culture which are significant for the transfer and utilisation of results much easier.
Presentation on creativity
Publications and Links
Further information and publications on the project can be found on the project homepage.(in German language).
Kreativ vernetzt
Publikationen und Presse
- Gemeinsam Ideen entwickeln. Kreativität in wissenschaftlichen Gruppe. Beitrag von Dr. Angela Carell in Forschung & Lehre, 3/2009, S. 206 – 207
- Vorhabenbeschreibung
- Medien und kreativitätsfördernde Lehr-/ Lernkultur an der Hochschule: Projekt „DaVinci“. Beitrag von Dr. Angela Carell & JProf. Isa Jahnke
- „Da Vinci – Gestaltung kreativitätsförderlicher Lehr-/Lernkulturen an Hochschulen“. Beitrag von Tobias Haertel & JProf. Isa Jahnke
Personen und PartneR
Lehrstuhl für Informations- und Technikmanagement am IAW
Hochschuldidaktisches Zentrum
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AnsprechartnerHochschuldidaktisches Zentrum Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Johannes Wildt Kontakt: |
Institut für Angewandte Kreativität
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AnsprechpartnerInstitut für Angewandte Kreativität, Köln Peter Weil (Geschäftsführer) Kontakt: |
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