Lehrstuhlinhaber – Leitung
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Andreas Herrmann
Main Interest
Evaluation and design of socio-technical systems in accordance with human needs and organizational structures – Building the Bridge between Technology development and usage
Curriculum Vitae
Academic Education
- 1983 : University of Bonn, Germany
Master of Communication Science, (M. Phil.) (in combination with computer science and sociology) - 1986 : Technical University of Berlin, Germany
PhD (Doktor-Ingenieur) in Computer Science
(Software Engineering)
Scientific Positions
- Since 2004:
Professor, Department Information and Technology Management (IMTM), Institute for Applied Work Science (IAW), Ruhr-University of Bochum, Germany - 1992 – 2004:
Professor, Department of Computer Science, Informatics and Society, University of Dortmund, Germany - 1997:
Visiting Scientist (7 months), Department of Computer Science, University of Colorado at Boulder, Center of Life Long Learning and Design. - 1991 – 1992:
Research Associate, Department of Computer Science, Integrated Technology Assessment, University of Bonn, Germany
Tasks: Teaching, Research, Acquisition of grants, Directing of Research Projects - 1986 – 1990:
Research Associate, Department of Computer Science, Informatics and Society, University of Dortmund, Germany
Tasks: Teaching, Research, Acquisition of grants, Directing of Research Projects - 1986:
Visiting Scientist, Department of Computer Science, University of Bremen. Task: Lecture on the Design of interactive Workplaces. - 1983 – 1986:
Researcher, German National Research Center for Information Technology (GMD), St. Augustin - 1980 – 1983:
Student Assistant, German National Research Center for Information Technology, GMD, „Technology Assessment“ – research group, St. Augustin, Germany
Research Subjects
- current:
- Design of socio-technical processes and creativity
- Improvement of processes for service-engineering
- Computer supported Collaborative Learning
- Knowledge Management and organizational memories – software components, methods of introduction, evaluation
- Social and Psychological Theories of Communication, Cooperation and Coordination
- Human centered design of interactive systems and groupware
- Privacy aspects and groupware
- earlier:
- Flexible business processes and workflow management systems
- Methods of analyzing and continuous improvement of business processes and workflow management
- Changes of communicative behavior
- Development of ergonomical design requirements
- Experts’ knowledge and expert systems
- Adaptability of interactive and cooperation supporting systems
Grants and Research Projects
- 2006-2008:
„ERA“ – Analysis of the introduction of a new treaty about payment structures in the electro- and mechanical-industry
- 2006-2006:
„eGOV“ – Synopsis of research on e-government
- 2005-2006:
Evaluation of the BMBF-Research programme (BMBF = Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany): „Innovative Design of Work“
- 2005-2009:
„Maris“ – Modularized architectures and processes for supporting the international export of services
- 2004-2007:
„WinK“ – Research evaluation on Knowledge Management in Networks
- 2004-2007:
„NovaMille“ – Organizational structures for innovation at the interface with the customer – Design of innovation processes
- 2002-2005:
„LiKe“ – Solutions for an integration of knowledge- and creativity-management in the domain of services
- 2001-2004:
„SPIW“ – Shipping and web-based logistics
- 2000-2003:
„Proservice: Process development and facilitating methods for service engineering“
- 2000-2002:
„WInn: Knowledge Management as innovation impulse“
- 2000-2003:
„XPER-Knowledge-Workbench – Development of domain-specific Knowledge-Management Solutions“
(State of Northrhine Westfalia, Germany)
- Since 1998:
„SeeMe“ – Development of an editor for models of socio-technical, semi-structured processes and systems
- 1998-2000:
„Look“ – Training for the Usage of Groupware
(Northrhine Westfalia, Germany and European Union)
- Since 1997:
Development of collaborative knowledge environments in the field of CSCL and organizational memories (together with Gerry Stahl, Computer Science Department, University of Colorado at Boulder)
- 1997-1998:
„Humane Oriented Methods of Modeling Software Supported Systems“
( European Union)
- 1997-1998:
„Promotion of Media Competence – Analysis of The Relationship Between Media Competence, Preference, and Acceptance“
(Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany)
- 1995-1999:
„User centered Improvement of Business Processes with flexible Workflow Management Systems – ergonomic aspects“
(Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany).
- 1991-1994:
„Development of requirements for a human-centered design of networked systems“
( Federal Ministry of Research and Technology, Germany)
- 1991-1993:
„Ensuring Qualifications and Quality as a Goal in the Process of Designing Expert Systems“
( Federal Ministry of Research and Technology, Germany)
Coordination of Interdisciplinary Research Networks
- 2004 – 2007:
„NovaMille“ – Organizational structures for innovation at the interface with the customer – Design of innovation processes
( Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany)
- 2000 – 2003:
„Process Development and Facilitation as methods for Service Engineering“
( Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany)
- 1995 – 1999:
„User centered Improvement of Business Processes with flexible Workflow Management Systems “
( Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany).
- 1991 – 1993:
„Technology Assessment of Knowledge based Systems“
(Federal Ministry of Research and Technology, Germany)
Scientific Cooperation
- Research Institutes:
- Information System Department, Faculty of Computer Science, Technical University of Munich, Germany, Prof. Dr. Helmut Krcmar
- Fraunhofer-ISST (Institute for Software and Systems Engineering, Fraunhofer Society for the Promotion of Applied Research, Germany, Prof. Dr. H. Weber)
- Prof. Michael Goedicke, University of Essen, Germany, Specification of Softwaresystems
- Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund
- Center for Life Long Learning and Design, University of Colorado at Boulder, Prof. Dr. G. Fischer
- FhG-FIT (Research on Information Technology)
- IAI – Institute of applied Innovation, Bochum, Prof. Kriegesmann
- Industrial Partners:
- IDS – Prof. Scheer
- 24-help
- TÜV-Management-Systems
- DHL World Wide Express,
- Lufthansa,
- German Telekom,
- DeTe- Immobilien (facility managment),
- Leopold schäfer (transport company),
- fischer (fixing systems and technical construction systems),
- Carl Zeiss (company for optics, precision engineering and electronic
- visualization),
- R+V (insurance),
- Fendt/AGCO (Driving systems and tractors),
- Fresenius (Training Academy),
- Experteam (Consulting),
- MZD (Media Center),
- VA (Training Academy)
- 3M,
- T-Systems,
- Arideon,
- Vodafon,
Teaching Courses
- Lecturing:
- Privacy and data protection
- Computers and Society (basic course, 250 students)
- Design of socio-technical information systems
- Groupware and Knowledge Management
- Interactive systems and human factor
- Social Aspects of Computer-mediated Communication and Cooperation
- Computer applications and privacy
- Seminars:
- Process management
- Communication in enterprises
- Knowledge management
- User centered systems design
- Computers and Society
- Social Aspects of Artificial Intelligence
- Office Automation
- Ethical Aspects of the Information Society
- Epistemological Aspects of Computer science
- Evaluation of interactive systems
- Trends in groupware Research
- IT and healthcare
- Cryptography and privacy
- Comparison of modeling methods and their appropriateness for socio-technical processes
- Group Projects:
Development of a collaborative learning environment, EDO-workspace,
Modeling of business processes,
Modeling and evaluation of multimedia applications,
SeeMe – an editor for a semi-structured, socio-technical modeling method - Forms and Methods of Teaching:
Lectures; Seminars;
Group Projects: About 12 Students are instructed to develop a method or a system, 1 year.
Computers and society (specialized concept): within a short lecturing period, students are instructed to prepare talks on computer and society topics. The talks are firstly presented in small practicing groups and afterwards have to be presented and discussed in larger groups. Every talk must be based on empirical investigation. - Completed Theses:
- Volker Wulf: „Conflict Management and Groupware“
- Nils Lepperhoff: „Analysis of negotiation in groups – an agent based simulation“
- Andrea Kienle: „Knowledge Management and collaborative Learning“
- Uta Pankoke-Babatz: „Design of CSCW-Systems from the viewpoint of the Behavior-Setting-Theory“
- Marcel Hoffmann: „Awareness“
- Kai-Uwe Loser: „Support of Software-Adoption with Diagrams“
- Angela Carell: „Self-Organization and Participation in CSCL-Systems“
- Isa Jahnke: „Dynamical Structures of Roles in Communities and Organizations“
- Gabriele Kunau: „Facilitating Computer Supported Cooperative Work with Socio-Technical Self-Descriptions“
- Natalja Menold: „Knowledge Integration in computer-supported cooperation“
- More than 60 Diploma Theses
Professional Offices
- Program committees:
GLDV 89, Software-Ergonomie 91, IFIP-Networking 93, D-CSCW96, Group97, 2001; PAKM98, DCSCW 98 (Chairman), D-CSCW-2000, D-CSCL 2000, PDC 2000, 2006, M&C 2001-2007; ECSCW2001; EDCIS 2002; CSCL 2002, 2005, 2007; C&T2003, 2005, 2007;Delfi 2004-2007;, Coop 2006 (Chair); I-Know2005; Interpm 2005 and 2006; MKWI2005; Nordichi 2006 - Member of boards:
- Since 1999:
Editorial board, AI&Society, Journal - Since 2001:
Dean of the Department of Computer Science - Since 1999:
Center of continuous education, University of Dortmund, Germany - Since 1998:
Science and Work, Dortmund, Germany (non-profit organization, cooperation between University and Trade Unions) - Since 1991:
GI-FB8 (Computers and Society) , Germany - 1990 – 1992:
Institute for communication ecology, Germany (non-profit organization) - 1985 – 1991:
Technology and Life, Bonn, Germany (non-profit organization for knowledge transfer)
- Since 1999:
- Reviewer for Journals:
- ToChi
- Computing Surveys
- I&Society
- i-com
- Arbeitspsychologie
- Wirtschaftsinformatik
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Andreas Herrmann
Ruhr-University of Bochum
Institute of Applied Work Science
Department Information and Technology Management
44801 Bochum, Germany
Building NB, Room 1/70
Fon: +49 (0)234 32-27720
Fax: +49 (0)234 32-14207